Beverly travels to South Korea to get plastic surgery, but ends up unknowingly getting a computerized implant from a surgeon who maniacally turns his patients into beautiful killing machines.

World Premiere: Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2018
UNDER THE KNIFE will World Premiere at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival on Saturday, March 17th at 9pm. Director Josh Hoffman will be in attendance so follow UNDER THE KNIFE on social media for full festival coverage and many more exciting...
Celebrating the Film’s Completion
UNDER THE KNIFE Producer J. Pingo Lindstrom (left) and Director Josh Hoffman (right) celebrate the completion of the film. Exciting WORLD PREMIERE UPDATE COMING SOON!!!
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Eat all the apples you want... Dr. P is coming... SOON! Beware new content and updates as we approach release.